And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not.
Rev, 2, 21
Fuck, I hate it when hosts on shows like So You Think You can Dance end their sentences by speaking slower and s-l-o-w-e-r and louder and LOUDER, because they know they are getting a massive applause. Hillary Clinton does it too. A lot. I fucking hate it.
How hard can it possibly be to get 10.000 sugar high eleven-year-olds to scream when you hold up a sign that says SCREAM NOW!!!!! And also after an hour of indoctrination into the antics of “how to behave as an audience on TV” with free lollies and coke for everyone.
It’s about as hard as it is to get 10.000 democrats to scream when you put 30.000 watts of lights in their face, a million white pigeons, two thousand american flags, and you stand on a stage with people of ALL RACES AND CREEDS behind you and then you end your sentence with “We’ll get there by staying and fighting and s-t-a-n-d-i-n-g u-p FOR WHAT WE B-E-L-I-E-V-E I-N!!!”
It’s like a fucking canned laughter. No, it’s worse, actually. Canned laugter is just canned laughter. The applause on So You Think You can Dance and Hillary Clinton’s campaign trail is supposed to be so fucking EPIC. Every single time. Every little fucking insignificant and braindead thing like a dance by REESE(!), like who the fuck IS Reese!? Or a sentence that sounds like it’s taken out of Tony Robbins’ shit, so insanely uninspiring and cliché, and Hillary stands there in her ugly-as red pant-suit and 10.000 people just fucking SSCCCRRRREEEEEAAAAAAMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why do they scream? Because they’re supposed to, that’s why.
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